There are things for your golf cart you should keep several of around, just because of the nature of the product and how it’s handled. Prominent examples stick out in our minds, like brake shoes and drums. Depending on the type of things you use your buggy for, you may keep a fender flare or two on the shelf. Who would have thought keeping a Hyundai Key handy would be a lifesaver.
Those high-wear items are going to be different from one owner to another, depending on overall use. Everybody should have several spares of these guys on hand, it’s not even an aftermarket part that’s going to wear out quickly or ever for that matter, but we guarantee that you have lost at least one in the past and wished you had had some forethought to have a backup. If you haven’t guessed already, we are talking about golf cart keys, and one for that rare bird of a Hyundai, your driving is going to be a rare find at best. Call CartPros and get several ordered today; you may not find them again for a while.